What Can Cosmetic Surgeons Do for You?

There are many different types of surgeons like Dr. Kirman that can perform numerous operations on the human body. Some of them are going to specialize in a specific type of operation or practice while others may be more general in what they do. One type of surgery is performed by a cosmetic surgeon, who uses his abilities to enhance the appearance of individuals through various medical techniques and surgical procedures.

When many people look for cosmetic surgeons, they begin by looking for plastic surgeons but there is a difference between these two types of doctors. Although either of them can be a professional and certainly have the ability to be skilled in what they do, cosmetic surgery tends to focus more on the enhancement of appearance while plastic surgery may repair defects or reconstruct a part of the body that may be experiencing problems in order to have more of a normal appearance and function.


Cosmetic surgery may also cover a wide range of surgical procedures, most of which will typically be voluntary. The following are some of the more common surgical options that are offered by cosmetic surgeons:

Breast enhancement – This is probably one of the most common and better known surgical procedures offered by a walnut creek plastic surgeon. Most of those who think about this type of procedure probably think about a breast augmentation but they actually may perform any number of different types of operations that can affect the way that the breasts look. This will include a lift or even a reduction, depending on the needs of the patient.

Body contouring – Another popular procedure that is performed by cosmetic surgeons, body contouring can take on many different forms. Most people are familiar with liposuction, which removes the fat from underneath the skin. Tummy tucks are also a popular procedure for those who want the appearance that they are thinner. For men, a common type of body contouring is a treatment for gynecomastia, which is enlarged male breasts.

Facial Contouring – Just like contouring the body, there may be a number of different procedures that can affect the way that the face appears as well. Rhinoplasty is probably one of the more common treatments and it is certainly better known than many of the other treatments. It is commonly known as a nose job. The chin can also be worked on and, depending upon the needs of the patient, the surgeon can either add material to make the chin more defined or remove material in order to make it smaller. Cheek enhancements are also a popular facial contouring procedure.

Skin rejuvenation – There is a wide range of options available for skin rejuvenation. They all have the same basic goal of helping to smooth the skin and make it younger looking. Botox is perhaps one of the more common types of skin rejuvenation but there are also filler treatments that can make the area look fuller and laser resurfacing for the removal of scars.

What is interesting is the fact that plastic surgery may also offer a number of similar types of surgical procedures. Some of the procedures that a plastic surgeon may perform include repairs to the breasts or perhaps a cleft palate. They may also work on individuals who have burns or need reconstructive surgery to the hand or lower part of the body. Visit here for some specialties from Dr Kirman- breast augmentation, tummy tuck, facelift.

Cosmetic surgery is something that many people turn to when they are not happy with the way that they look in the mirror. By having the adjustments made surgically, they can get almost an instant form of gratification and in many cases, they can change things about their body that they will be unable to change through lifestyle modifications.

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

If you have hypertension, you know that it is a danger to your health. You can lower your blood pressure naturally, in ways that are completely safe and easy. Prescription drugs are commonly synthetic and do not treat the underlying cause of your problem. They also cause many other side effects, and can potentially cause additional health problems.

No doubt you know that you should not eat foods that are high in salt. You probably also know that exercise is beneficial, and excessive alcohol should be avoided. These facts are common knowledge, but there are many other little less-known secrets about hypertension and how to reduce it. The following are tips to lower blood pressure naturally.

Examine Your Attitude And Approach To Life

The most natural and obvious blood pressure lowering method is taking a different approach and attitude to life. Depression and feelings of powerlessness are linked to high blood pressure and chronic cardiovascular diseases. A gloomy approach may cause bouts of emotional depression, and these are associated with hypertension. Optimists are faced with same problems that the pessimists do face, except that he/she sees the issue not as a depressing problem but rather as an exciting challenge.

Eat Healthy

Here’s the obvious, eat healthier. If you eat crap such as fast food and many other take-out foods, you are bound to feel the effects of it, especially if you have HBP. In order to lower your blood pressure, eat the healthy foods you get at your local grocery store. Eating foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium are the best choices. The most significant thing you need to do is lower your salt intake. Look at the packaging on all foods to see the nutritional value in them and the level of salt. Low salt foods will help lower your blood pressure naturally. Aim for regular salt intake daily of 2300mgs (about 1.5 teaspoons a day), 1500mgs is better. This is based on the popular DASH diet approach and is the best diet to use to lower blood pressure. Here are some foods that can help lower your blood pressure.


This is another critical step in lowering your blood pressure. Go out for a walk daily, just start moving. Get the blood flowing by merely walking around for 20-30 minutes a day. If your overweight, start off slow and gradually build up your exercise routine to shed those pounds off. You will certainly feel better and see your BP start to drop. If you’re not obese, do a little more exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Try a few cardio workouts. An elliptical machine costs about 200 dollars and can be used 2-3 minutes a day. This machine gets the blood flowing and provides a pretty intense workout. I’ve tried it myself and its pretty tiring after just a couple of minutes.

Recover from Injuries Faster with Physiotherapy

Recover from Injuries Faster with Physiotherapy

When suffering from sports injuries, workplace injuries or neck and muscle pain, it’s advisable to seek advice from a physiotherapist in order to follow the correct steps necessary for healing. Failure to follow these steps is likely to lead to more pain, discomfort or slow healing time. In order to recover from injuries faster with physiotherapy, it is important to do the following:


Remaining positive is extremely important when undergoing physiotherapy treatment. Whether suffering from an emotional or physical injury, one is required to have a belief that everything is going to be okay. For people suffering from physical injuries especially after accidents, physiotherapists encourage them to believe that they will recover and continue living as they used to before the accident. Most physiotherapists encourage their patients to watch funny or motivational movies since they aid in the release of endorphins which counteract the stress hormones responsible for anxiety and fear. This works since people suffering injuries fear that they might not recover.


People suffering from injuries are encouraged to do the things they used to do before getting injured so long as they are able to. In case the injury prevents you from doing what you used to, you are encouraged to engage in a simpler activity which closely relates to the usual one. For example for people who used to be bodybuilders lifting heavy weights, it is advisable to lift lighter weights and slowly progress to the heavyweights as one heals. By remaining active, feelings of stress and pain tend to disappear. By doing so, healing will occur faster compared to if one stayed idle until you recover completely. For people who are working, you should involve physiotherapists who will help in making a plan to ensure safety and at the same time fulfillment of duties at work despite the injury. Injuries especially pains and aches should not hinder patient from performing their roles either at home or at work, but instead, enable them to regain strength and fitness faster.


Most people fear that resting will limit their chances of getting better. Others believe that performing exercises for long will translate to healing faster. contrary to this belief, resting is a vital step in the healing process. After suffering an injury, physiotherapists encourage one to exercise the part continuously. However one should consider the reaction of the body part. This means that in case the pain increases or becomes unbearable, then it is safe to take rest. Among people recovering from physical injuries, rest allows the body part to regain its energy back. For example, after engaging in a rigorous physical exercise, muscles suffer some pain. This is because the muscles tear and therefore rest is crucial so as to give them time to recuperate and become stronger.